Founded in 2020 by Ester Haddad Elkouby who has been working in the body contouring industry since 2005. She now created a revolutionary brand integrated Blood flow restriction into clothing

Es Fit Wear embraces the fervent belief in a healthy mind, healthy body and lifestyle. The creation of unique athletic wear for women and men that incorporates a blood flow restriction method.

A method she became familiar and fell in love with during her own six-month process. Incorporating this method most commonly used in rehabilitation and weightlifting to a fashionable athletic wear that uses patent pending technology. This Athletic wear combined with BFR to significantly help improve the growth of muscle without increasing the use of heavier weights. 

Developed for the Modern Day Fitness Wear

“I believe in women empowering women. I believe in humanity empowering humanity. But I believe no one can truly empower you but yourself. I learned to not just make a lifestyle change but to embrace the lifestyle.” 

Es Fit Wear

Body. Mind. Lifestyle.